The Value of Christmas Trees

"...there is no reason why the joy associated with the Christmas evergreen may not be a means of arousing in the minds of children an appreciation of the beauty and usefulness of trees; and keen appreciation of the beauty and usefulness of trees is a long stop toward the will to plant and care for them (Arthur Sowder, US Forest Service, 1949)."

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Updated Results on Scale Control

I reported in July on some control results of scale treatments I had made on June 20. To recap, I used a backpack mistblower at Dale Cornett's in Watauga County. I used either Asana + Dimethoate, Lorsban, Movento or Safari. In July I went back and the Safari and Asana + Dimethate both gave control, but only about 85% control. This was a bit disappointing. The other two didn't work, but then Movento is a systemic and slow acting, so I vowed to return and see if time would improve the results.

I went back today and now the Dimethoate + Asana and the Safari both had 100% control. I did not see any live scales at all. It was hard to find shoots that had scales on them, and they all looked dried up just by looking at the shoots. There was no white cotton at all.

The Lorsban and Movento treatments were still similar to the untreated check trees. They still hadn't worked.

So not only did control improve with the Safari, it did with the Dimethoate + Asana as well. Maybe we go back too quickly to evaluate control. These materials apparently keep on working.

Remember that currently Safari does not have a Christmas tree label -- only a nursery label. So if you aren't digging your Fraser fir, you're not supposed to use it. Hopefully that will change next year. These results are certainly encouraging.

Research out of Connecticut has indicated that Safari will controls scales with a trunk application, at a reduced rate per acre. These treatments can be made in April through June. I plan on trying this next year.

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